2015年6月19日【Dr. Nataly F. Blagoveshchenskaya来访并作报告】Non-linear mode conversions of an powerful HF radio wave into the electrostatic waves and excitation of the parametric instabilities in the ionosphere plasma


Non-linear mode conversions of an powerful HF radio wave into the electrostatic waves and excitation of the parametric instabilities in the ionosphere plasma

Dr. Nataly F. Blagoveshchenskaya

Department of geophysics, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

38 Bering str., St.Petersburg, 199397, Russia



An powerful HF electromagnetic wave can be converted into electrostatic waves in plasma through mode conversion. The most effective way to convert the HF heater to the plasma waves is through parametric instabilities, which excite high frequency electron waves and low frequency ion waves simultaneously by the HF heater. Parametric instabilities, which are the directly relevant processes to achieve effective heating of the ionospheric F region, are formulated and analyzed. The threshold electric fields for the excitation of the thermal parametric (resonance) instability (TPI), parametric decay (resonance and non-resonance) instabilities are analyzed.


About the speaker:

Natalia Blagoveshchenskaya is now senior scientist in the department of geophysics, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. She is also the head of Laboratory of Radio physical ResearchLaboratory. She obtained her doctor of phys.-mathem. Sciences (2002)from St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Her specialization includes space physics, Radio wave propagation, non-linear phenomena, Ionospheric modification by powerful HF radio waves.She is a member of the Sun - Earth Council of Russian Academy of Sciences and a Head of the Ionosphere section in the same Council, a member of AGU, COSPAR and EGS, an externalmember of the EISCAT Scientific oversight committee (SOC)., a member of APS (American Physical Society) and a member of AGU (American Geophysical Union). She published more than 90 papers in refereed journal, and one book in Russian.


