2014年10月9日【美国伊利诺伊大学Boerner教授来访并作报告】Challenge for still Unresolved Development of Multiband Equatorially Orbiting POLSAR Satellite Sensors


报告题目:Challenge for still Unresolved Development of Multiband Equatorially Orbiting POLSAR Satellite Sensors

报告人:Prof. Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, IEEE Fellow, OSA Fellow

        Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago  




Wolfgang-Martin Boerner received the Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Augustvon Platen Gymnasium, Ansbach-Bayern, Germany in 1963, the Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering (Dipl. Ing) from the Technical University, München, Germany in the same year, and the PhD degree in Pennsylvania, USA in 1967. He is an IEEE Fellow and a SPIE fellow (1999), an International Society for Optical and Photogrammetric Engineering Fellow, an American Optical Society Fellow (1995), a Society for Exploration Geophysics Fellow (1995), an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (1995-1997),a member of the Russian Academy of Transportation Sciences.He is also on the Editorial Board of the International Remote Sensing Society (1992 – present) and of the SPIE Proceedings on Sensing and Imaging (1991 – present), and was on the Board of Editors of the International Series and Monographs on Advanced EM Wave Theory and Applications (1990).